La Donuteria – Limassol
Credit cards
LGBTQ+ friendly
The story of the La Donuteria® brand began more than 7 years ago in a world that seems like a distant dream today.
Peter Stranak (our CEO), an investment banker travelling between London, Zurich and New York, was working in the world of finance.
Frequently spending time in different cities, he noticed something remarkable on one of his trips to New York – people were willing to stand in line for 20 minutes in front of one particular shop – in heavy rain no less! It was hard to understand why.
The cogs in his entrepreneurial brain started turning – what kind of miracle could they possibly sell there? He decided to give it a shot and entered the shop – it was a handmade donut bakery. A couple minutes of research later, he found out that donuts are the most selling type of sweets in the world. Who would’ve thought?
While still travelling the world, he was able to try different donuts from different shops. What surprised him the most, was that majority of the shops weren’t selling freshly made donuts but delivered them frozen from a big food factory.
“Why can’t they bake fresh donuts every morning from scratch, like artisan bakeries do in Paris?” he thought. This idea kept him awake at night, and he started wondering about the sweet world of desserts. Guess what happened next?
After coming back to London, he started baking his own concept. He knew that he wanted to disrupt the world of donuts.
Why? Because he felt he could create a better experience. Experience that he remembered from the childhood visits to his grandma, who baked fresh yeast raised cakes from scratch every time he came to see her.
Experience that combined three key elements: TASTE, VISUALS & PLEASANT SMELL. To make it happen, he needed to change everything.