Let the Adventure begin is their slogan.
Not to be taken as a metaphor, Nuii not only aims to treat your tastebuds with delicious ice-cream, it is also set on two greater missions, to help some endangered species on our planet. The Australian koalas and the African elephants.
Their NUII P.E.A.C.E project (People & Elephants Amicably Co-Existing) will enable communities to learn about how to stay safe around elephants by building an elephant conservation education centre run by Elephant Human Relations Aid. Here schools, communities, elephant guards and field guides can learn all about elephant behaviour and how to protect themselves and their livelihoods during an encounter.
They are also installing 40 x Solar Water Pumps to increase FREE access to water for both the community and the elephants. Watch the films below to find out exactly how we will be making a difference.
- Research into the local koala population of Mongo Valley Wildlife Sanctuary in NSW
- Providing weed, fire, and feral animal management in the area to keep the Koalas safe
- Construction of koala enclosures to be used as a short-term breeding facility from which the Koalas will be transported to a soft release area within the broader sanctuary
- Supporting a koala ‘halfway house’ to prepare rehabilitated and captive bred Koalas for release into the wild
- Tracking, trapping and monitoring, to check on koala health post release
- 4,000 Eucalyptus trees to be planted in the sanctuary in 2022
- Setting up an Indigenous Ranger Program providing employment for local indigenous communities in 2023.
My Nuiiest addiction @nuii_icecream_global hit our shores just in time for summer with 5 flavours to choose from, and hopefully more to come (caramel white chocolate texan pecan I got my eye on you)
– Salted Caramel & Australian Macadamia
– Almond & Java Vanilla
– White Chocolate & Java Vanilla
– Milk Chocolate & Madagascan Vanilla
– New York Cookies & Cream
Don’t know if it’s the fact that I’m part Australian, but the Salted Caramel & Australian Macadamia instantly made me fall in love with Nuii.
Also have a soft spot for anything white chocolate, and the White Chocolate & Java Vanilla is also a favourite
Anyway, who am I kidding… had all five flavours and then realised I love them all.
You can find Nuii Icecream all over cyprus, from selected supermarkets to kiosks & petrol stations. Message me for more info #Nuiicy #Nuiicyprus #Nuiiicecreamadventure #nuii